McGurl Business Services, Inc. (MBSI)

Founded over 15 years ago to help businesses take control of their Information Technology Project Management and Planning. The combination of MBSI and Microsoft Project help to jump-start and keep your projects on the right track.

Sample Project


Business project participants  

-         Project Sponsor (PS):  the person who is driving and sponsoring the project.  Someone who has a good understanding of the customer’s needs and will work to develop detailed objectives and success criteria and ensure that the project meets the project objectives. Also, provide the proper level of business resources needed for the project

-         Steering Committee (SC):  a group of representatives from a cross section of the organization who will participate in key meetings about the project to review milestones, progress, and any issues

-         Business Project Manager/Analyst (BPM):  the person who will coordinate the business resources and communicate needs to and from business partners and ensure that business deliverables are provided on time

-         Business subject matter expert (SME):  the person who is most familiar with the process and/or system that is being reviewed

-         Customer or Client (CC):  a person or group of people representing the customer’s needs and who provide input to the project

Systems project participants

-         Chief Information or Technology Officer (CIO):  the person who oversees the technology risks and opportunities of the project and provides the proper level of technology resources needed 

-         Systems Project Manager/Analyst (SPM):  the person who will coordinate the system resources and communicate needs to and from the business and system partners, including outside vendors, and ensures system deliverables are provided on time

-         Technical Architect (TA):  lead technical design person who has a detail understanding of the current application infrastructure and knows what technologies are available to enhance it

-         Data Base Administrator (DBA):  person who understands how the current data base is structured and identifies opportunities for improvement

-         User Design Specialist (UDS):  a person who knows the screens; and screen navigation should be laid out and designed for optimum user satisfaction

-         System developer (DEV):  person who develops and enhances software code


Sample Gantt Chart



Sample Resource Usage Report



Sample Cash Flow Report





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